April 15, 2019

Senior Account Manager, Carla Howden, dives deep to understand clients’ needs at WS

“I’ve been in marketing my whole grown-up life,” says Carla Howden, the newest member of the Account Service team at WS. Starting out as a Marketing Assistant in 2006, Carla has worked both client-side and in the agency world, joining the WS team in January 2019. She brings with her, not only a vast amount of marketing and project management experience, but also a deep understanding of client needs in any industry. “Having had a lot of client-side experience really helps me understand what clients need from their agency,” Carla says. “Using this knowledge allows me to think strategically and focus on moving the needle for any client’s business.”

After receiving her Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing, Carla continued her education in HTML & CSS, website analytics, Adobe Creative Suite, and social media marketing. She is currently working on her Certificate in Professional Management, specializing in Strategic Management at the University of Calgary. “When I was a kid I was very into art, and later I got really into digital design and web design,” she says. “In university I realized I could marry my artistic and digital interests with business in marketing.” This marriage of design knowledge and strategy ultimately benefits all of the clients Carla works with at WS, bringing value to Anuvia Plant Nutrients, Alberta Beef Producers, and Vive Crop Protection to name a few.

When Carla isn’t focused on solving marketing challenges, she’s recharging as a certified yoga instructor and travelling as much as she can, “mostly to places with palm trees.” A good work-life balance keeps her mind sharp and able to focus on what is best for her clients. “Carla’s passion for marketing and digging deep to do what’s best for our clients is in perfect alignment with our core philosophy of ‘solving with soul’,” says WS Director of Client Services, Shannon Anderson. “Carla is a valuable new addition to our team.”

Join us as we welcome Senior Account Manager Carla Howden to the WS team! You can connect with Carla on LinkedIn.