September 9, 2024 | Daryna Putintseva

Agile Marketing as a Cultural Shift

With digital marketing evolving at lightspeed, agility is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Agile marketing is a methodology that prioritizes adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement, reshaping how marketing teams operate. But at the core of this transformation lies a cultural shift that is often overlooked: the adoption of a growth mindset.

Agile marketing culture

Agile marketing isn’t just about tossing out your old marketing plans and going full-speed ahead with sprints and stand-ups. It’s about building a culture that thrives on flexibility, constant feedback, and, most importantly, growth. 

The State of Agile Marketing Report 2022 from the Agile Business Consortium puts it bluntly: more than half of marketers are now using agile practices. But here’s the kicker: 58% of these marketers admit they’re held back by a lack of proper training and knowledge. That’s right, over half the teams are winging it! And that’s a problem.

Agile marketing through a growth mindset 

So, what is this magical “growth mindset”? It’s the belief that skills and talents can be developed through hard work, smart strategies, and input from others. Combine this mindset with agile marketing, and boom—you’ve got a team ready to roll with the punches, learn from their mistakes, and keep pushing forward.

The Agile Alliance, a global non-profit deeply embedded in agile methodologies, stresses that cultivating an agile mindset is essential for any organization looking to stay competitive. It’s not just about adopting new practices but about letting go of the old, rigid ways of thinking. In other words, your team needs to get comfortable with being uncomfortable—embracing continuous learning and being open to change.

How to make agile happen

  1. Encourage continuous learning and development

Actionable step: Implement regular training sessions and provide resources encouraging ongoing education. This could include workshops, webinars, or access to industry events and publications.

Why it matters: A team committed to learning is more likely to embrace new strategies and technologies, staying ahead of the competition.

  1. Embrace and reward experimentation

Actionable step: Create a culture where experimentation is accepted and encouraged. Recognize and reward innovative ideas and the lessons learned from failed experiments.

Why it matters: Encouraging risk-taking without fearing failure fosters creativity and leads to breakthrough marketing strategies.

  1. Make feedback your best friend

Actionable Step: Shift the focus from pure outcomes to the processes and learning that occur along the way. Provide growth-oriented feedback, focusing on how to improve and adapt.

Why it matters: Constructive feedback helps team members develop resilience and a willingness to tackle challenges head-on.

  1. Lead by example

Actionable Step: Model a growth mindset by being open to new ideas, willing to admit mistakes, and continuously seeking improvement.

Why it matters: Leaders set the tone for the entire organization, encouraging others to follow suit.

  1. Break the silos

Actionable step: Ensure your team is cross-functional, collaborating with everyone from strategy to procurement.

Why it matters: Effective communication builds channels for smoother workflows and more optimal performance.

Overcoming challenges in cultural transformation

Let’s face it: not everyone will be on board right away. People resist change because it’s in our nature. However, ironically, teams with a growth mindset are better at handling risks and adapting to new circumstances. You need to become agile to be okay with Agile.

To get your team there, you’ll need to do more than just talk the talk. Pair up agile newbies with seasoned vets. Show them the benefits through real-life examples and make sure everyone understands that agile is the future.

Final thoughts

Shift the culture, embrace continuous learning, and watch as your team not only keeps up with the competition but leaves them in the dust. Remember, the journey to agile mastery is a marathon, not a sprint, so start now and keep pushing forward.

Connect with us to leverage the skills and knowledge Daryna and the rest of the WS team offer for the marketing success of your project.

Daryna Putintseva

Daryna's life-long passion for writing and creative solutions empowered her to develop content across many fields, including ag-tech, education, succession planning, and more. Her superpower is finding the right words for any concept, no matter how complex.